Before you buying or taking Propecia, You should know about warning and precaution of Propecia, and then you can understand well about it. Because number of case (bad Report of Propecia) people do not know it then it is necessary to consult with doctor or get more knowledge about it. Some example: Liver disease, Liver failure, any allergies and breastfeeding, lack in sex… etc.
Warning and Precautions:
•You would not take Propecia pill if you were allergic to any components of Propecia.
•Propecia is men only pills.
•Take care from split Propecia pill for pregnant women or child.
•It is possible to buy Propecia online at cheap rate .so please make sure and all knowledge of these website and compare to another one.
•Pregnant women (and woman who may be pregnant) should not take Finasteride (Propecia) and should not contact with spilt pills of Propecia.
•You should consult with your healthcare advisor if you plan to start breastfeeding or you are breastfeeding.
•Also If you are suffer from liver problem or any sexual disease, you must talk with your doctor and take advice and take Propecia.